What is the difference between Super Napier and Red Napier grass?

Both Super Napier and Red Napier are high yielding fodder grass and have few difference in the yield and protein content. Planting Process: Both Super Napier and Red Napier grows well from stem cutting. They can be grown best on alluvial, red soils and also grows well on well drained black soils. Stems can be planted in lines spaced at 1 feet and width at 2 feet. Almost 10,000 to 12,000 stems can be planted per acre After 30 days of Planting: After 30 days, Super Napier would have grown by 2 feets. But Red Napier would have just grown by 1 feet only. Weeding has to be done in the Super Napier Farm as weeds rob your plants of the benefits of the fertilizer you apply. If necessary, second spell of weeding can be done after 45 days. After that, both Super Napier and Red Napier grass will grow very fast and dense After 45 days of Planting: After 45 days, Super Napier would have grown by 3 feet to 4 feet. But Super Napier would have grown by 2 to 3 feet only. At this stage we can ...