Guava - Organic Farming in Tamil Nadu
How to plant guava trees:
Guava can be propagated by seed, branch cutting, grafting and air layering.
For commercial cultivation, it is best grafted onto a established root-stock.
The guava seedlings grow very fast if proper care is taken
Successful Guava cultivation is grown under tropical and sub-tropical climate.
In areas with distinct winter season, the yield tends to increase and quality improves.
High temperature at the time of fruit development can cause fruit
Guavas can be planted at any time of the year, but the warmer months are better.
Plant them 2 to 3 metres from other trees and 5 metres from other guava trees.
Dig a hole about twice the size of the bag in which the young tree is growing.
Remove the soil from the hole and add some compost and manure.