Fodder Maize - Organic Farming in Tamil Nadu
Maize is an important kharif fodder crop which gives highly succulent and nutritionally rich fodder.
Maize grain is also an important feed component of dairy cattle and poultry feed.
Maize produces good quality herbaceous fodder with high palatability.
Hence by providing sufficient quantities of fodder instead of costly concentrates and feeds to the milch animals, the cost of milk production can considerably be reduced.
Optimal growth conditions are 18-21°C average day-temperatures, annual rainfalls of more than 750 mm, and deep, well-drained rich soils.
However, maize withstands annual rainfalls ranging from 230 to 4100 mm, a pH between 4.3 and 8.7, and a great variety of soils.
Frost kills the plants.
Drought is detrimental at flowering as it affects pollination and impairs yields.