Difference between Super Napier and COFS 29 fodder grass


Super Napier is a high yielding green fodder and can give yield upto 200 Tonne per acre per year but COFS 29 fodder grass will give yield upto 75 to 100 Tonnes per acre per year

Super Napier grass will grow by 12 feet to 15 feet and Its stems will be 1 to 2 inches thicker in size but COFS 29 fodder grass can grow by 6 feet to 8 feet and Its stems will be upto 1 inch thicker in size

Length of the super napier leaves will be by 3 to 4 feets and the Width will be by 3 to 4 inches but Length of the COFS 29 fodder grass is 2to 3 feets and the Width is 3 to 4 inches

Crude protein of Super Napier is 16 to 18% and the protein content in COFS 29 fodder grass is just 8 to 12 %

1st Harvesting of Super Napier can be done after 90 days of planting and Succeeding Harvesting of Super Napier can be done every 45 days; COFS 29 fodder grass can also be harvested after 90 days of planting and Succeeding Harvesting of Super Napier can be done every 60 days;.

10 to 15 tilters will do from Super napier after harvesting; but only 5 to 10 tilters will grow from COFS 29 fodder grass.

A dairy farmer can easily rear 15 cows in one acre of Super Napier. But using COFS 29 fodder grass grass a farmer can rear only 6 to 7 cows per acre.

Super Napier is Highly suitable for silage because because of water soluble carbohydrate and other fodder grass are mostly not suitable for silage.

Compared to other fodder crops Super Napier grass is a perennial grass which can be retained on field for 4 to 5 years.


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