How to make Chicken Mandi at Home
Lets see how to prepare Chicken Mandi
In a plate take well washed chicken drumstick pieces
Take a Fork and prick the chicken pieces
Take a heavy weight pan and add the chicken pieces
Add Pepper – 1 spoon
Cumin seeds – 1/4 spoon
Now add well chopped Capsicum – Half cup
Cardamom – 1/4 spoon
Gram Masala – 1/4 spoon
Chicken cubes -1 packet
Cursh the Chicken Cube and sprinkle all over the Chicken
Add 1/4 spoon Food colour liquid over the chicken and mix them well
Add 1 cup of Cooking oil into the pan and mix them well
Close the Pan with the lid and allow to cook for 3 min
Flip the Chicken and allow to cook for 3 min
Chicken is ready to be transferred and cooked with rice
Now take a Pressure Cooker and add 2 liters of water
Add 1/2 spoon of Cooking Oil and boil the mix for 5 min
Now add 2 Bay Leaves to the water
Add 2 cups of well washed Basmathi Rice to the hot water
Add some salt as per taste, mix them well and allow to boil for 10 min
Now the Rice is cooked well
Now lets add the boiled rice to the Chicken
This rice needs to be covered in several layers
Apply roasted Chicken and Pepper oil over the rice
Now apply another layer of boiled Basmati rice
Add some Artificial Color over the rice
Add few green chilli to the rice
Close the Pressure Cooker lid
Put the whistle and allow to heat for 10 min
After 10 min, lets open the lid
Now mix the rice well
Chicken Mandi is ready for serving