How can I make Super Napier grass grow faster?

Make sure that you are applying at least 5 tonnes of farmyard manure per acre before planting the Super Napier stems

Then place a stems which has 2 nodes at a slanted position in the soil by making sure that the one of the nodes are covered with soil.

Now, place the splits of the root in the holes of planting and cover the soil

30 days after planting, apply 1 Tonne of cattle compost manure close to the stems

Plow the land deep enough for the plant roots to penetration deep into the ground that make the plant drought resistant.

After fertilizing the farm, the plants has to be irrigate well

Super Napier grass for Dairy Farms


Catalin said…
The plant also grows in Europe. Only with water from God.
Una explicación muy detallada.👏
Mirtillo14 said…
Ottimi consigli! Saluti
Посмотрела Ваш пост! Советы пригодятся тем, кто занимается сельским хозяйством.
Thanks sir
This link
this is so very excited for me


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