How to prepare Natural Pesticide for plants in the garden?
Lets see how to prepare organic pesticide at home in natural way.
We can use leafs of the plants that is naturally available like Nochi, Usticia adhatoda, Ipomoea Carnea or Neyveli Kattamani, Erukku or Calotropis, Neem Leaf and Tamarind Leafs to prepare this pesticide.
Take a bunch of Nochi Leaves for insect repellent & antibacterial properties.
Bunch of Justicia adhatoda commonly known Adulsa, Adhatoda, Vasaka
Bunch of Ipomoea Carnea, also known as Neyveli Kattimani
Bunch of Erukku or Calotropis which is actually considered a weed in India
Neem Leaf to repels and kill many caterpillars, thrips, and whitefly.
Tamarind Leaves for its antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic effects
Take the leaves and cut them in smaller pieces to soak them in water
Put all the leaves onto a barrel and fill the water.
Leaves will start decomposing and the essence will get into the water
After 10 to 15 days, the liquid pesticide will be ready for usage.
Now lets filter the extract pesticide using the strainer to use them.
Now the Liquid Pesticide is ready and let add them to the sprayer
Add 1.5 litre of home made liquid pesticide in 15 litre of sprayer
Lets fill the sprayer with water and dilute the pesticide
Come lets apply this diluted liquid pesticide over the chilli plants
This liquid pesticide can be used as biopesticide and insecticide.
This is very effective on aphids, thrips, mites and scale to control them
Spray all over the leaves, but especially the undersides where insects like to hide
This liquid pesticide can be prepared by anyone at “0” cost
Benefits of this liquid pesticide are much better than the commercial pesticides.
Natural Liquid Pesticide