
How to prune and fertilize a guava tree

  Normally guava trees has to be trimmed between November and December during winter season and between March and April during spring season. During first pruning, the guava tree has to be pruned at a height of 2 feet and it will encourage the growth of lateral branches within a month . While pruning the guava tree we should select a singletrunk , and 3 to 4 lateral branches and remove all other shoots We can use 2 feet long stick as a measuring scale while pruning the lateral branches. Also Prune out crossing and inward- heading branches. While pruning the guava tree, make sure you cut the lateral branches in an angle so that so water doesn’t stand on it and cause damage to the branches. Now most of the branches in the Guava tree has been trimmed and in a month more additional branches will start growing within a month This NPK bio fertilizer provide crops with nutrients like potassium, phosphorus , and nitrogen, and it allows the guava...

How to grow Yard Long Beans at Home

  To grow Yard Long Beans in Terrace garden we can use 12 inch garden grow bags and we them with equal amount of soil and cattle compost. Sow the long bean seeds about 1 inch deep and spaced about 3 inches apart. Make sure long beans are planted during spring season , once the soil is warm . After Sowing the seed s, water the grow bags thoroughly. Make sure the soil is moist all the time. After 7 days , most of the seeds have germinated   and true leaves will start coming out. After 15 days , more leaves have   start coming   and the long beans have started growing well. Long Beans   need about two inch of water every day for good growth . Water the long beans early in the day if you are sprinkling so that there will be plenty of time for the leaves to dry . If the leaves are wet overnight , diseases can quickly affect the plants Fish emulsion  is an organic garden  fertilizer  that is made from waste part s of...

Bio Fertilizer for Banana Tree

  Bio fertilizers contains living micro-​organisms and is cost effective, environmental friendly and renewable source of plant nutrients which helps in promoting the growth of plants and trees. Bio fertilizers are required to restore the fertility of the soil. Bio fertilizers enhance the water holding capacity of the soil and add essential nutrients such as Nitrogen , Phosphorus, Potassium, Vitamins and proteins for the soil.  Add 1 kg of Potash Bio fertilizer in the mixing tray . Potash Bio fertilizer supports plant growth, increase crop yield and disease resistance, and enhance water preservation Then add 1kg of Phosphate Bio fertilizer in the mixing tray. This produces healthy rhizome and a strong root system. It also influences flower setting and general vegetative growth . Then add 1kg of Nitro Bio fertilizer in the mixing tray. Nitro Bio fertilizer is the chief promoter of growth. It induces vegetative growth and gives leaves healthy gree...

Difference between Super Napier and COFS 29 fodder grass

  Super Napier is a high yielding green fodder and can give yield upto 200 Tonne per acre per year but COFS 29 fodder grass will give yield upto 75 to 100 Tonnes per acre per year Super Napier grass will grow by 12 feet to 15 feet and Its stems will be 1 to 2 inches thicker in size but COFS 29 fodder grass can grow by 6 feet to 8 feet and Its stems will be upto 1 inch thicker in size Length of the super napier leaves will be by 3 to 4 feets and the Width will be by 3 to 4 inches but Length of the COFS 29 fodder grass is 2to 3 feets and the Width is 3 to 4 inches Crude protein of Super Napier is 16 to 18% and the protein content in COFS 29 fodder grass is just 8 to 12 % 1 st Harvesting of Super Napier can be done after 90 days of planting and Succeedin g Harvesting of Super Napier can be done every 45 days ; COFS 29 fodder grass can also be harvested after 90 days of planting and Succeeding Harvesting of Super Napier can be done every 60 days;. 10 to 1...

How to grow Okra at Home

  To grow Okra in Terrace garden we can use 12 inch garden grow bags and we them with equal amount of soil and cattle compost.   Sow the Okra seeds about 1 inch deep and spaced about 3 inches apart. Make sure Okra are during spring season. Okra grows well in very rich soil that's packed with nutrients.  You can enrich your soil using compost , bagged organic fertilizer . If you want to speed the germination of your seeds, you can soak the okra seed overnight before planting.. After Sowing the seeds, water the grow bags thoroughly . Make sure the soil is moist all the time. It's best to water okra in the morning so that the plants have time to dry before night.  If the water stands in the growbags overnight, it could cause okra plants root rotting .   After 7 days , most of the seeds have germinated and true leaves will start coming out.   After 15 days , more leaves have started coming and the Okra have started growing well. ...

How to control Rhinoceros beetle in Coconut tree

  Rhinoceros beetle  is common pest that affects the coconut tree. Rhinoceros beetles are black or gray and can grow up to six inches These beetles  damage palms by boring into the centre of the crown, injurin g the young growing tissues and feed on the exuded sap. As they bore into the crown, they cut through the developing leaves. The damage can be significantly reduce  coconut production and kill the tree We can use pesticides to control the Rhinoceros beetles but efficient and ecofriendly methods is application of 2kg of common salt per tree at least, 2 times a year in the innermost parts of two leafs. Home Gardening Ideas

How to grow Banana Tree in the garden

Normally banana trees grows well in tropical and subtropical climate. When planting a banana plant, we need to find a warm , frost free and wind protected space and the right time to plant is  spring and summer .  Banana  varieties vary in size and  need  to be planted accordingly. Most varieties  need at least 12 feet or more of  space . Smaller varieties can be planted 10 to 11 feet apart. First prepare a pit of 1 and half feet wide and 1 feet depth . Larger holes should be used in areas of high wind Next Prepare the soil by adding organic manure mix which consist of cattle manure and neem oil cake powder before planting the banana rhizome . Then add some of the existing soil and am mixing the manure well with the soil.  Now plant the banana rhizome at the centre of the pit and am fill the soil around the banana rhizome. After planting use some of the existing soil and create a ring around the b...