
How to prepare Natural Pesticide for plants in the garden?

Lets see how to prepare organic pesticide at home in natural way. We can use leafs of the plants that is naturally available like Nochi, Usticia adhatoda, Ipomoea Carnea or Neyveli Kattamani, Erukku or Calotropis, Neem Leaf and Tamarind Leafs to prepare this pesticide. Take a bunch of Nochi Leaves for insect repellent & antibacterial properties. Bunch of Justicia adhatoda commonly known Adulsa, Adhatoda, Vasaka Bunch of Ipomoea Carnea, also known as Neyveli Kattimani Bunch of Erukku or Calotropis which is actually considered a weed in India Neem Leaf to repels and kill many caterpillars, thrips, and whitefly. Tamarind Leaves for its antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic effects Take the leaves and cut them in smaller pieces to soak them in water Put all the leaves onto a barrel and fill the water. Leaves will start decomposing and the essence will get into the water After 10 to 15 days, the liquid pesticide will be ready for usage. Now lets filter the extra...

Vermicompost preparation in Tamil / How to make Vermicompost / Advantage...


What is the difference between Super Napier and Red Napier grass?

Both Super Napier and Red Napier are high yielding fodder grass and have few difference in the yield and protein content. Planting Process: Both Super Napier and Red Napier grows well from stem cutting. They can be grown best on alluvial, red soils and also grows well on well drained black soils. Stems can be planted in lines spaced at 1 feet and width at 2 feet. Almost 10,000 to 12,000 stems can be planted per acre After 30 days of Planting: After 30 days, Super Napier would have grown by 2 feets. But Red Napier would have just grown by 1 feet only. Weeding has to be done in the Super Napier Farm as weeds rob your plants of the benefits of the fertilizer you apply. If necessary, second spell of weeding can be done after 45 days. After that, both Super Napier and Red Napier grass will grow very fast and dense After 45 days of Planting: After 45 days, Super Napier would have grown by 3 feet to 4 feet. But Super Napier would have grown by 2 to 3 feet only. At this stage we can ...

What is Humic Acid Liquid Fertilizer?

Humic acid is derived from decomposed remains of organic life, residues and microbial cells with physical, chemical and biological processes and it improves the efficiency of phosphate fertilizers Humic acid neutralizes acidic and alkaline soils and regulates pH-value of soils. Also they Improve and optimizes uptake of nutrients and water holding capacity. They stimulates plant growth with its rich organic and mineral substances Humic acid is also a powerful growth promoter. They stabilizes nitrogen and improves nitrogen efficiency, thereby making it an ideal additive with compost. Humic acid is best applied when preparing the soil for gardening. Add 1 liter of Humic acid in 200 ltr water and Mix the water well before sending the water in the drip pipe line. You can also spray the solution on the underside of the plant leaves. Either way works to boost plant health and ensure wonderful yield Humic Acid Liquid Fertilizer for Fruiting Trees

How to Irrigate Red Napier grass farms?

Red Napier can be irrigated through Flood Irrigation and also through Drip Irrigation Red Napier responds well to Flood Irrigation compared to Drip Irrigation We can use 3 inch black hose to take water to the furrows We can make arrangement in such way that at least 5 furrows can be irrigated at a time Furrows should be made at a gap of two and half feet so that water flows T-Joint can been made in the pipeline so that water flows Water will flow from one end of the furrow to other end through gravity We can also add liquid fertilizer in the pipe line to promote growth Red Napier farm needs to be irrigated at least twice a week Red Napier will be fresh and healthy if the plants are irrigated regularly If the farms in not irrigated regularly, the leaves will become dry During Summer we might require irrigation at least thrice a week During rainy season we will not require irrigation as the soil will be moist When irrigated regularly, grass will be ready for harvest in 2 to...

How to Irrigate Red Napier grass / Dairy Farming Ideas


How much protein is in Super Napier grass?

Super Napier is a high yielding green fodder grass that produces a lot of high–protein forage. Super Napier grass has 16% to 18% protein content with high yield. Super Napier can yield 180 to 200 tonnes per acre per year Farmers will get benefited as the fat content of the milk will increase because of feeding Super Napier to the cattle’s